Don’t miss the Annapolis Mayoral Debate October 22, from 7 pm to 9 pm. As you know, local government affects Annapolis real estate values, as well as many aspects of living in Annapolis. This is an opportunity to make a more informed choice in the upcoming election for our new mayor. This event is being publicized by the sponsors, the Murray Hill Residents Association, Ward One Residents Association, Annapolis Forum, and What’s Up? Magazine. Since I couldn’t find a trace of info in The Capital, I wanted to make sure to help get the word out. Rick Cooksey, President of the Murray Hill Residents Association, said by email:
Thursday 22, October Ward One and Murray Hill
Residents Association will host a Mayoral Debate at Maryland Hall.
The debate will be sponsored by Annapolis Forum and What’s Up
Magazine. All three candidates will participate and are ready to face
challenging questions and an opportunity to tell their story to the
voters. The debate is open to the public, so
please encourage your friends and neighbors to attend.The moderator will be Chris Nelson, President of St. John’s College.
A distinguished panel will helping with questions from the audience.
Panel members are:
? Cynthia McBride, owner of McBride Gallery, Annapolis, and
Benfield Gallery, Severna Park; Chair of the Annapolis Gallery
Association; and past President of the Annapolis Chamber of Commerce.
? Dan Nataf, PhD, Associate Professor of Political Science;
Director, Center for the Study of Local Issues, Anne Arundel Community
? Howard Ernst, PhD, Associate Professor, Political Science, US
Naval Academy; and author of Chesapeake Bay Blues.The debate will be in three parts:
1. The moderator will ask questions of the candidates;
2. Candidates will ask questions of each other; and
3. The panel will select questions from the audience and pose them to
the candidates.
I hope to see you there!
P.S. Call me today for all your Annapolis real estate needs.